Pricing includes knotless, which are optional and will be provided upon request.
Individual Braid Sizes are as Follows:
- Small: Index finger size boxes (typically 100 to 150 braids, depending on head size)
- Medium: Thumb size boxes (typically 80 to 100 braids, depending on head size)
- Large: 2x thumb size boxes (typically 13 to 21 braids, depending on head size)
- Jumbo: 4x thumb size boxes (typically 8 to 12 braids, depending on head size)

Time Estimates for Individual Braids Natural Hair:
- Small Individual Braids with Natural Hair (waist length): 10 hours or less
- Small Individual Braids with Natural Hair (mid-back length): 8 hours or less
- Small Individual Braids with Natural Hair (past shoulder length): 6 hours or less

Time Estimates for Individual Braids W/Extensions:
- Small Individual Braids with Extensions (waist length): 12 to 14 hours
- Small Individual Braids with Extensions (mid-back length): 8 to 10 hours
- Small Individual Braids with Extensions (right past shoulder length): 4 to 6 hours